Abraham Nussbaum

Physician, Teacher, Writer

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    The Eden Express, Mark Vonnegut

    Paperback in the back pocket of my jorts for the last week? This reminder that the counterculture cracked-up slowly, then all at once. Lot of talk these days that psychiatry neglects meaning. Here’s a little account of the problems of a multiplicity of meanings: “One thing that makes me suspicious…

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    Are we born this way? Aristotle thought we could learn habits, but his student Theophrastus believed our internal dynamics are constant. The debate ranges on, now operationalized in diagnostic manuals for personality disorders. No one is better than Horwitz at quickly laying out the debate, the limits of personality disorders,…

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    Genre is a strategy, Altschuler reminds us, and medicine has negotiated epistemic crises with a range of genres. Holmes made sense of anesthesia by writing novels. Rush imagined the sympathetic system as the republic. Poe negotiated epidemics with the Gothic. Altschuler reminds that we praise empiricism, but neglect the role…